Takamatsu’s Budo Legacy Online Taikai 2022 will be held through September, October, November and December 2022.
Takamatsu’s Budo Legacy Online Taikai 2022
On this special occasion, Tanemura Soke would like to give our members the chance to learn both Sensu-Dori (Tessen-jutsu) and Togakure Ryu Biken-jutsu.
• Sensu-Dori is a special high-level martial art, which Takamatsu Sensei included in Tenshin Hyoho Kukishin Ryu as Master level techniques and as true Samurai techniques that have never been taught to the public before.
• Togakure Ryu Biken-jutsu is Kuden special master class level teachings that truly are Biken-jutsu, which means secret sword techniques.
• Besides that, Soke will lecture about Takamatsu Sensei life and Budo.
Taikai is open for all GWNBF / KJJR members.
For more information and how to apply please contact your Dojo-Cho before August 2022.