Takamatsu Budo Story II and Buki-jutsu Online Taikai will be held through May and June 2023
Takamatsu Budo Story 2nd part and Buki-jutsu Online Taikai 2023
- On this special occasion, Tanemura Soke would like to give our members the chance to learn about Buki-jutsu like: Bisento-jutsu, Daisharin, Ohdachi, Syakujo, Shikomi-gatana, Kusari Fundo, Mezashi, Oh-gama etc…
- Besides that Soke will lecture at each class about Takamatsu Sensei’s life and Budo.
Taikai is open for all GWNBF / KJJR members.
For more information and how to apply please contact your Dojo-Cho before May 2023.