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Nagao Zenyu

Grandmaster Nagao Zenyu (1948-) lives in Tomakomai, Hokkaido.
He is still active as the main teacher of the Daito Ryu Shinto Jushinkai.

Grandmaster Nagao Zenyu (Kakuzen) was given Grandmastership (Kyoju Dairi) from Grandmaster Yamamoto Kakuyoshi (the last student of Grandmaster Takeda Sokaku Sensei) in Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, Mugen Shinto Ryu Iai-jutsu and Aizu Handen Denkei Onoha Itto Ryu Kenpo.

Grandmaster Tanemura Tsunehisa Shoto received Menkyo Kaiden (Kyoju Dairi) from Grandmaster Nagao Zenyu Sensei in Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, Mugen Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu and Aizu Handen Onoha Itto Ryu Kenpo and Iai-jutsu in December 2003.

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